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What are Type Predicates In TypeScript? Real Life Implementation Examples

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Type predicates are used to determine if a given value belongs to a certain type or not, providing a hint to the TypeScript compiler about the type information.

What are Type Predicates ๐Ÿค”โ€‹

Type predicates are a specific kind of function that allows you to narrow down the type of a variable or a parameter within a specific branch of your code. They are used to determine if a given value belongs to a certain type or not, providing a hint to the TypeScript compiler about the type information.

A type predicate has a specific syntax that includes the is keyword, followed by the type you want to check against. Here's an example of a type predicate:

function isString(value: any): value is string {
return typeof value === 'string';

In this example, isString is a type predicate that checks if a given value is a string. The type predicate is defined by value is string. This tells the TypeScript compiler that if the function returns true, the value parameter should be considered a string within the scope where the type predicate is used.

Here's an example of how you would use a type predicate:

function processValue(value: string | number) {
if (isString(value)) {
// TypeScript now knows that 'value' is a string within this block
} else {
// TypeScript now knows that 'value' is a number within this block


In this example, the processValue function accepts a parameter value of type string | number. By using the isString type predicate within the conditional, the TypeScript compiler can infer that the type of value is narrowed down to string in the first branch and number in the second branch. This allows you to use type-specific methods and properties without type errors.

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Real World Application ๐ŸŒŽโ€‹

In a real-life application, type predicates can be particularly useful when working with complex data structures or when interacting with APIs that return mixed types. Let's take an example of an e-commerce application that receives a list of products from an API. Each product can have different types of properties based on its category.

Here's an example of the data structure:

interface Book {
type: 'book';
title: string;
author: string;
pageCount: number;

interface Electronics {
type: 'electronics';
name: string;
brand: string;
model: string;
powerUsage: number;

type Product = Book | Electronics;

We have two types of products: Book and Electronics. Both have a unique property type. We can create type predicates to narrow down the type of product:

function isBook(product: Product): product is Book {
return product.type === 'book';

function isElectronics(product: Product): product is Electronics {
return product.type === 'electronics';

Now, let's say we need to display product details based on their type:

function displayProductDetails(product: Product) {
if (isBook(product)) {
console.log(`Title: ${product.title}`);
console.log(`Author: ${}`);
console.log(`Page count: ${product.pageCount}`);
} else if (isElectronics(product)) {
console.log(`Name: ${}`);
console.log(`Brand: ${product.brand}`);
console.log(`Model: ${product.model}`);
console.log(`Power usage: ${product.powerUsage}W`);

In the displayProductDetails function, we use our type predicates isBook and isElectronics to narrow down the product type. TypeScript now understands the specific type of product in each branch, allowing us to access properties unique to each type without causing type errors.

What Can You Do Next ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Šโ€‹

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