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Understanding and Running a Shell Script: A Beginner's Guide

Shell scripting is an invaluable skill for automating tasks in Unix-based systems. In this revised article, we'll explore what a shell script is, how to write a simple "Hello World" script, and the essential steps to make a shell script executable and accessible, including checking the $PATH variable and placing the script in a user-specific bin directory.

What is a Shell Script?

A shell script is a text file containing a series of commands executed by the shell, the command-line interpreter in Unix-based operating systems like Linux and macOS. Shell scripts automate repetitive tasks, manage system operations, and are written in the shell scripting language.

Writing a Simple Shell Script

Let's craft a "Hello World" script that prints its namesake message to the terminal.

  1. Creating the Script File: Open a text editor and input the following:

    echo "Hello World"

    The #!/bin/bash shebang indicates that this script should run in the Bash shell.

  2. Saving the Script: Save this as While .sh isn’t mandatory, it’s a common convention.

Making the Shell Script Executable

Before execution, the script must be made executable via the terminal.

  1. Navigate to Your Script: Use the cd command in the terminal to go to the script's location.

  2. Change File Permissions: Apply the chmod command:

    chmod +x

    This adjusts the file’s permissions, allowing execution.

Running the Shell Script

With the script executable, you can run it from its current directory.

  1. Execute the Script: In the terminal, enter ./ "Hello World" should appear on the screen.

Checking the $PATH Variable

Before relocating the script for universal access, it’s prudent to check your $PATH variable.

  1. Display $PATH: In the terminal, type echo $PATH. This will display directories where the system looks for executable files.

Placing the Script in Your Personal Bin Directory

To run your script from anywhere, place it in a directory included in your $PATH. A good practice is to use the bin directory in your home folder.

  1. Create a Bin Directory: If it doesn't exist, create a bin directory in your home folder:

    mkdir -p ~/bin
  2. Move the Script: Move your script to this directory:

    mv ~/bin
  3. Running from Anywhere: After adding ~/bin to your $PATH (if it’s not already there), you can run from any location in the terminal.


You've now written, made executable, and appropriately positioned your first shell script. Shell scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and enhancing system management. As you become more familiar with scripting, you'll discover its vast potential in streamlining your computing tasks. Happy scripting!

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