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Unlocking the Power of `apropos`

Apropos takes its name from the French "à propos" (Latin "ad prōpositum") which means about. It is particularly useful when searching for commands without knowing their exact names.

When navigating the Linux operating system, it can sometimes be challenging to find the exact command you need. That's where the apropos command comes in handy. This tool searches through all manual pages to find commands related to a specified keyword. In this article, we'll explore the syntax, options, and, most importantly, practical examples with outcomes to demonstrate the power of apropos.


The basic syntax for using apropos is:

apropos [options] keyword

Here [options] are optional flags that can modify how apropos works, and keyword is the term you're searching for.

Options Table

--and-aSearch for entries that match all keywords
--or-oSearch for entries that match any of the keywords (default)
--exact-eSearch for exact match
--ignore-case-iPerform a case-insensitive search
--wildcard-wEnable wildcard characters in keywords
--long-lDisplay a longer description of the matching entry
--verbose-vProduce verbose output including section numbers
--regex-rTreat the keyword as a regular expression

Examples with Outcomes

Basic Usage

Search for all commands related to the concept of "copy":


apropos copy

Sample Output:

cp (1)               - copy files and directories
cpio (1) - copy files to and from archives
dd (1) - convert and copy a file
rsync (1) - fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool

Using --and Option

Look for commands that relate to both "copy" and "file":


apropos --and copy file

Sample Output:

cp (1)               - copy files and directories
rsync (1) - fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool

Make the search case-insensitive:


apropos --ignore-case COPY

Sample Output:

cp (1)               - copy files and directories
cpio (1) - copy files to and from archives
dd (1) - convert and copy a file
rsync (1) - fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool

Using Wildcards

Enable wildcard searches:


apropos -w "cp*"

Sample Output:

cp (1)               - copy files and directories
cpio (1) - copy files to and from archives
tcp (7) - TCP protocol

Combining Multiple Options

Combine various options for more specific results:


apropos -ai "COPY"

Sample Output:

cp (1)               - copy files and directories
cpio (1) - copy files to and from archives
dd (1) - convert and copy a file
rsync (1) - fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool


The apropos command in Linux is invaluable for finding the right command or utility for your needs. By learning how to use it effectively, you can navigate the extensive Linux documentation more efficiently, saving time and effort. This guide provided you with the syntax, options, and practical examples including their expected outcomes to get you started on mastering apropos.

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