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Introduction to UML - Unified Modeling Language

UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a standard language used in software engineering for visualizing the design of a system.

UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a standard language used in software engineering for visualizing the design of a system. The goal of UML is to provide a universal way to visualize the way a system has been designed. It's quite powerful for planning purposes because it allows engineers to map out exactly how the system should work before they start coding it.

UML includes a set of graphic notation techniques, or diagrams, that create a visual model of object-oriented software-intensive systems. These include:

  1. Class Diagrams: The most common type of UML diagram, it represents the static view of an application, defining what exists and what the relationship is between the elements.

  2. Use Case Diagrams: This type shows how users interact with the system and what the system does in response. They're excellent for understanding a system's behavior from an end-user perspective.

  3. Activity Diagrams: These diagrams are used to illustrate workflows or processes, indicating the flow from one activity to another.

  4. Sequence Diagrams: These show the interaction between different parts of the system in a time-ordered sequence.

  5. State Diagrams: Also known as state machine diagrams, these show the state changes in a system or a part of it.

  6. Component Diagrams: They depict how components in a system are connected to deliver specific functionalities.

  7. Deployment Diagrams: This type of diagram shows the physical deployment of the components in different nodes in a system.

Here's a simple example of a class diagram using Mermaid markdown:

In this example, there are four classes: Animal, Duck, Fish, and Zebra. Duck, Fish, and Zebra are subclasses of Animal (represented by the "<|--" notation). The Animal class has two properties (age and gender) and a method (isMature()). The Duck class is associated with the Egg class. The Fish class has a species property and a canLiveInSaltWater() method.

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