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What is Inheritance 🤔

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that allows one class to inherit properties (attributes) and methods (functions) from another class, thereby promoting code reusability and modularity.

Inheritance In TypeScript

Inheritance helps in creating a new class (derived class) from an existing class (base class) while maintaining the existing class's behavior and extending or overriding it to add new functionalities. In TypeScript, inheritance is implemented using the extends keyword.

Here's an example to illustrate inheritance in TypeScript:

// Base class: Animal
class Animal {
protected name: string;

constructor(name: string) { = name;

move(distance: number = 0) {
console.log(`${} moved ${distance} meters.`);

// Derived class: Dog, which inherits from Animal
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name: string) {
// Calls the constructor of the base class

bark() {
console.log("Woof! Woof!");

// Overriding the move method from the Animal class
move(distance: number = 5) {
console.log("The dog is running...");
// Calls the move method of the base class

const myDog = new Dog("Max");
// Output: Woof! Woof!
// Output: The dog is running...
// Max moved 5 meters.

In this example, we have a base class Animal with a name attribute, a constructor, and a move method. We then create a derived class Dog that inherits from Animal using the extends keyword. The Dog class has its own bark method and overrides the move method from the Animal class. When creating a new Dog instance, we can use both the bark method from the Dog class and the move method from the Animal class (with the overridden behavior).

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Real-World Application Example

Let's take a look at a more real-world scenario involving an e-commerce application where TypeScript inheritance might be used:

In this diagram, we have three classes: Product, Book, and Electronic. Both Book and Electronic classes are shown as inheriting from the Product class with the --|> symbol. The class fields and methods are also outlined. The + symbol before the field names and method names indicates that they are public.

// The base class Product which defines common properties for all products
class Product {
public id: string,
public price: number,
public description: string
) {}

display(): void {
`ID: ${}, Price: ${this.price}, Description: ${this.description}`

// A derived class Book which extends the Product base class
class Book extends Product {
id: string,
price: number,
description: string,
public author: string,
public title: string
) {
super(id, price, description);
// Calls the constructor of the base class

display(): void {
// Calls the display method from the base class
console.log(`Author: ${}, Title: ${this.title}`);

// A derived class Electronic which extends the Product base class
class Electronic extends Product {
id: string,
price: number,
description: string,
public brand: string,
public model: string
) {
super(id, price, description);
// Calls the constructor of the base class

display(): void {
super.display(); // Calls the display method from the base class
console.log(`Brand: ${this.brand}, Model: ${this.model}`);

let book = new Book("1", 19.99, "A great book", "John Doe", "My Great Book");

let electronic = new Electronic(
"A great laptop",
"XPS 15"

In this example, we have an e-commerce application where we sell various types of products. We start with a base Product class that includes properties and methods common to all products, such as an ID, a price, a description, and a method to display this information.

We then define a Book class and an Electronic class that both inherit from the Product class. Each of these classes has additional properties specific to its type (like author and title for Book, and brand and model for Electronic), and they override the display method to include their specific properties.

This example shows how TypeScript inheritance can be used to create a more organized and maintainable codebase by defining common properties and methods in a base class and extending this base class for each specific type of product.

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