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ConstructorParameters<Type> Utility Types in TypeScript With Examples

What Is ConstructorParameters<Type>

In TypeScript, the ConstructorParameters<Type> utility type is used to extract the types of constructor arguments for a given class or constructor function. It returns a tuple type containing the parameter types in the same order as they are declared in the constructor. This utility type is particularly helpful when you need to create a new instance of a class, pass constructor arguments dynamically, or create higher-order functions or factories that work with classes.


The syntax for the ConstructorParameters<Type> utility type is as follows:

type NewType = ConstructorParameters<T>;
  • Here, T represents the class or constructor function whose constructor arguments types you want to extract. The utility type will return a tuple type containing the types of the constructor parameters in the order they are declared.

For example, consider the following class:

class Person {
constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {}

If you want to extract the constructor parameters types of the Person class, you would use the ConstructorParameters utility type like this:

type PersonConstructorArgs = ConstructorParameters<typeof Person>;

Now, PersonConstructorArgs would be a tuple type equivalent to [string, number]. This tuple type represents the types of the constructor arguments for the Person class in the order they are declared, which are a string for the name and a number for the age.

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Real-World Use Cases

In real-world applications, the ConstructorParameters<T> utility type can be particularly useful when you want to create a factory function that dynamically generates instances of a class. Let's say we have a simple class hierarchy representing shapes:

abstract class Shape {
constructor(public color: string) {}

abstract getArea(): number;

class Circle extends Shape {
constructor(color: string, public radius: number) {

getArea(): number {
return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

Now, we want to create a factory function that generates a new instance of a given class with the provided constructor arguments. We can use the ConstructorParameters<T> utility type to achieve this:

function createInstance<T extends new (...args: any[]) => any>(
ClassConstructor: T,
...args: ConstructorParameters<T>
): InstanceType<T> {
return new ClassConstructor(...args);

Here, we define a generic factory function createInstance that accepts a class constructor ClassConstructor and its constructor arguments ...args. We use the ConstructorParameters<T> utility type to specify that the args parameter should be a tuple type containing the types of the constructor parameters of the class represented by T.

Now, we can use this factory function to create new instances of the Circle class:

const circle = createInstance(Circle, "red", 5);
console.log(circle.getArea()); // 78.53981633974483

In this example, we call createInstance with the Circle class constructor, a color string, and a radius number. The factory function creates a new Circle instance with the provided arguments and returns it. The ConstructorParameters<T> utility type ensures that we pass the correct types of constructor arguments for the given class.

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