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Omit<OldType, Keys> Utility Types in TypeScript With Examples

We already looked at Pick<Type, Keys> is a TypeScript utility type that creates a new type by picking a subset of properties from an existing type. The Omit<OldType, Keys> utility type is the opposite of Pick<Type, Keys>. It helps us create a new type by omitting a subset of properties from an existing type.

Understanding Omit<OldType, Keys>

Here's an example of how to use Omit<OldType, Keys>


The syntax for the Omit utility type is as follows:

type NewType = Omit<OldType, Keys>;
  • In this syntax, OldType is the original type that has the properties you want to omit, and Keys is a union of the property names you want to omit.
  • The resulting type, NewType, is a new type that has all the properties of OldType except the ones specified in Keys.


To better understand how the Omit utility type works, let's use the Todo type from the previous example:

interface Todo {
title: string;
description: string;
completed: boolean;

Suppose you want to create a new type that omits the description property. You can use the Omit utility type as follows:

type TodoWithoutDescription = Omit<Todo, "description">;

The resulting type TodoWithoutDescription is a new type that has all the properties of Todo, except for description.

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Real-World Use Cases

The Omit utility type can be useful in many situations. Let's take a look at a few examples:


When building forms, you might want to create a type that omits certain properties from an existing type. For example, suppose you have a User type with many properties, but you only want to use a few of them in a form. You can use the Omit utility type to create a new type that omits the properties you don't need:

interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
email: string;
phone: string;
address: string;

type UserForm = Omit<User, "phone" | "address">;

In this example, we create a new type UserForm that omits the phone and address properties from the User type. This makes it easier to define the properties that are needed for the form, and in turn, makes it easier to manage the form data.

Removing sensitive data from objects

In many applications, we may have objects that contain sensitive data, such as passwords or credit card numbers. We don't want this data to be sent to the client, so we need to remove it from the object before sending it. We can use the Omit utility type to create a new object that omits the sensitive data.

For example, let's say we have a user object with a password property:

interface User {
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;

We want to remove the password property from the user object before sending it to the client. We can do this using the Omit utility type:

type SafeUser = Omit<User, "password">;

Now we can create a new object that only contains the name and email properties of the user object:

Component Props

When building React components, you might want to create a type that omits certain props from an existing type. For example, suppose you have a Button component that takes many props, but you only want to use a few of them in a specific context. You can use the Omit utility type to create a new type that omits the props you don't need:

interface ButtonProps {
text: string;
color: string;
size: string;
onClick: () => void;
disabled: boolean;

type PrimaryButtonProps = Omit<ButtonProps, "color" | "size">;

In this example, we create a new type PrimaryButtonProps that omits the color and size props from the ButtonProps type. This makes it easier to create a button that has a specific style or behavior.


The Omit utility type is a powerful feature of TypeScript that lets you create new types by omitting specific properties from an existing type. This can be useful in many situations, such as when building forms, React components, or when filtering data.

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