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Partial<Type> Utility Types in TypeScript With Examples

What is Partial<Type>

The Partial<Type> type is a built-in utility type in TypeScript that allows you to create a new type based on an existing type, but with all its properties set to optional. This means that when you use the Partial<Type> type, you can create a new type that has all the same properties as the original type, but you can omit any of those properties if you need to.


The Partial<Type> type is a utility type that takes an existing type as its parameter. This is how the basic syntax looks like:

type NewType = Partial<Type>;
  • Partial<Type>: This is the TypeScript utility type itself. It takes one type parameter, which is the Type for which you want to set all properties as optional.

For example, if you have an interface called Person with three properties, you can create a new type called PartialPerson that has all the same properties, but with each property set to optional.

interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
email: string;

type PartialPerson = Partial<Person>;

const person: PartialPerson = {
name: "John",
age: 30,

In this example, we defined an interface called Person with three properties: name, age, and email. We then created a new type called PartialPerson using the Partial<Person> type. This means that PartialPerson has all the same properties as Person, but they are all optional.

We then created an object called person of type PartialPerson. Notice that we only set the name and age properties but not the email property. Since PartialPerson has all its properties set to optional, this is a perfectly valid TypeScript code.

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Real-World Use Cases

So, how can we use the Partial<Type> type in real-world applications? Here are a few examples:

Updating an Object

Often, you may need to update an object in your application, but you don't want to replace the entire object. Instead, you just want to update some of its properties. In this case, you can use the Partial<Type> type to create a new object that has all the same properties as the original object, but with some of them updated.

interface User {
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;

function updateUser(user: User, updates: Partial<User>): User {
return { ...user, ...updates };

const user: User = {
name: "John",
email: "",
password: "123456",

const updatedUser = updateUser(user, { email: "" });

In this example, we defined an interface called User with three properties: name, email, and password. We then defined a function called updateUser that takes a User object and a Partial<User> object as parameters. The Partial<User> object represents the updates that we want to apply to the User object.

Inside the updateUser function, we use the spread operator (...) to create a new object that has all the properties of the original User object, but with the properties of the Partial<User> object overriding the original properties.

We then created a User object called user, and called updateUser to update its email address. The result is a new User object called updatedUser with the same name and password, but with the email address updated.


The Partial<Type> type is a powerful utility type in TypeScript that allows you to create new types with optional properties. It has a variety of use cases, from updating objects to defining optional props in React components. By understanding the Partial<Type> type, you can write more flexible and maintainable code in your TypeScript applications.

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