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Pick<Type, Keys> Utility Types in TypeScript With Examples

Pick<Type, Keys> is a TypeScript utility type that creates a new type by picking a subset of properties from an existing type. The Type parameter is the original type, and the Keys parameter is an array of property names to pick from the original type. The resulting type contains only the properties specified by the Keys parameter.


Here's an example of how to use Pick<Type, Keys>:

type NewType = Pick<Type, Keys>;

The syntax consists of two parts:

  • Pick<Type, Keys>: This is the TypeScript utility type itself. It takes two type parameters: the first is the Type from which you want to pick properties, and the second is the Keys representing the properties you want to pick.
  • Type: This is the existing type from which you want to pick specific properties.
  • Keys: This is a union of string literal types representing the keys of the properties you want to pick from the Type. The keys are combined using the | (pipe) symbol.

Understanding Pick<Type, Keys>

To understand this lets create an interface called Person.

interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
address: string;

type NameAndAge = Pick<Person, "name" | "age">;

const person: NameAndAge = {
name: "Alice",
age: 30,

In this example, we have an interface called Person with three properties: name, age, and address. We then create a new type called NameAndAge by using Pick< Person, 'name' | 'age'>. This creates a new type that contains only the name and age properties from the Person interface. Finally, we create an object of type NameAndAge and assign it to a variable called person.

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Real-world use cases

Now that we understand what Pick<Type, Keys> is and how it works, let's look at some real-world use cases for this utility type.

Creating smaller, more specialized types

One common use case for Pick<Type, Keys> is to create smaller, more specialized types from larger, more general types. For example, suppose we have an interface called Order that represents an order for a product:

interface Order {
id: number;
product: string;
quantity: number;
price: number;
shippingAddress: string;
billingAddress: string;

This interface contains several properties, including id, product, quantity, price, shippingAddress, and billingAddress. However, suppose we only need to work with the id, product, quantity, and price properties in our application. We can create a new type that contains only these properties by using Pick<Order, 'id' | 'product' | 'quantity' | 'price'>:

type OrderSummary = Pick<Order, "id" | "product" | "quantity" | "price">;

This creates a new type called OrderSummary that contains only the id, product, quantity, and price properties from the Order interface. We can now use this new type throughout our application whenever we only need to work with these four properties.

Extracting Properties From Complex Types

Another use case for Pick<Type, Keys> is to extract properties from complex types. Suppose we have an interface called Car that represents a car:

interface Car {
make: string;
model: string;
year: number;
engine: {
displacement: number;
horsepower: number;
color: string;

This interface contains a property called engine that is itself an object with two properties: displacement and horsepower. Suppose we only need to work with the horsepower property of the engine object. We can extract this property by using Pick<Type, Keys>:

type CarEngine = Pick<Car["engine"], "horsepower">;

This creates a new type called CarEngine that contains only the horsepower property from the engine object of the Car interface. We can now use this new type whenever we need to work with the horsepower property of a car's engine.

Creating read-only versions of types

Finally, another use case for Pick<Type, Keys> is to create read-only versions of types. Suppose we have an interface called User that represents a user:

interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;

User interface contains several properties, including id, name, email, and password. However, suppose we want to create a read-only version of User interface that we can use in certain parts of our application where we only need to read user data. We can create a read-only version of this interface by using Pick<Type, Keys> in combination with the Readonly<Type> utility type:

type ReadOnlyUser = Readonly<Pick<User, "id" | "name" | "email">>;

This creates a new type called ReadOnlyUser that is read-only and contains only the id, name, and email properties from the User interface. We can now use this new type throughout our application whenever we only need to read user data.


In conclusion, the Pick<Type, Keys> utility type in TypeScript is a powerful tool for creating new types that are subsets of existing types. We have seen how to use Pick<Type, Keys> to create smaller, more specialized types, extract properties from complex types, and create read-only versions of types. By using Pick<Type, Keys> in our TypeScript code, we can write more concise and maintainable code that is easier to reason about and debug.

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